Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ideas for the Bathroom

I have been envisioning my decor for the bathroom to be more of an earthy feel and with all the bamboo items I have been coming into, I decided to go with bamboo bathroom accessories.

Here is a set that I found at Walmart for only $64 for a 5-piece set.

I mean it is all real bamboo no veneer and is a great price compared to other high-end brands.

Shower curtain ----

I like the brown one a lot but I don't want it to make the bathroom look smaller than it is already with the dark color....I know the white one may look cheap but it has gotten some great reviews and with a little bit of accenting in brown I think I may have something going here!



Celena said...

Can I just say: I LOVE THE SHOWER CURTAIN(S)! Umm...but not so much a fan of the bamboo stuff. I'm sure we could find a chocolate brown set. But that's just me though! I'm sure whatever you decide will be gorgeous! (AND you can totally tell me to "shut up & mind my own business" too.)

Kaylee said...

Lol well I wouldn't go that far you know I don't mind your opinions! And I really was leaning toward the bamboo just because its naturally anti-bacterial, easy to clean, and Eco-friendly butttt I was honestly settling for this set because of the price .... I guarantee you would like this set from crate and barrel more though it. I was just thinking about money as far as deciding on the walmart set :/ LOL but we'll see as far as $ goes when I get paid....I may end up just breaking down and getting the crate and barrel set because I know It will last but I am still open to the chocolate brown stuff...give me some links!!!!

Celena said...

Ok, so...could this be more perfect?

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