So I got a whole lot of Slipcovers in White and Black, through a little bit of a crazy Craigslist finding. I was on Craiglook, which is a mass search engine that finds a specific product within a mile range from your zip code. Just curious of what was out there, I found a listing in California, for just the cushions and covers. I emailed the seller and told them that I would be willing to pay them shipping and handling and told them about my situation in not being able to find the covers. They sold me 3 sets of white and 4 sets of black (which I didn't really need so am re-saleing them on Ebay) all in excellent shape with no rips or tearing and only one small stain that is covered up with being flipped to the other side. The covers I paid $20 for and $23 to ship, which barely covered the price for two sets new from IKEA (at $20 per set).
Also, I felt kind of dum after going back through my IKEA catalog and seeing the Lillberg Sofa, Loveseat, and Rocker all listed. I thought they were discontinued! I thought this because they were not listed on the website and because of some manufacturers defects with the wood veneer base cracking. However, I spoke to customer service in Charlotte and they said they still sale the white cushion covers and have them in stock. (YES!) Also, to my surprise the June 7-11th special is the Lillberg Loveseat for the unbeatable price of $62 (It's regular $249!!!!!) So I think I will actually be getting another one for my office area, maybe even along with an Expedit bookcase and some lack tables (as end tables) to match the light wood accents. I also fell in love with the white Cotton Rocker chair that is from the Lillberg line, after looking at it in the catalog and am thinking about getting it sometime before I move in to finish the collection out. They also have a Lillberg coffee table that would look awesome as well!
I have been looking out for a Rug on Craigslist as well. I really love the Andrea Rund Circular Pattern Rug at IKEA but its $299! I just don't know if I can go through with a purchase like that, BUT it is a beautiful rug and would go great with the new slipcovers!
Well, that's all she wrote!
Stay tuned....
Thursday, June 3, 2010
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Do you still have any of the White Lillberg cushion covers? If so, how many sets? Please email Thanks!
are you selling any of the black covers? I need to re-cover my loveseat so need covers for the two back custions and the two seat cushions as shown in your photo. I am in Hollywood.
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